You deserve permanence.
Creating an account lets you save your progress and high scores indefinitely, return to Rook Trader across different machines, and wash off the stink of mortality that your game data carries at this moment. Are you ready to become a legitimate rook?
Alphanumeric characters and spaces only, case-sensitive, maximum 32 characters. Choose a good username, because it will follow you around like a shadow until the sun goes dark and all life, all history, all that ever mattered is gone. If your username is awful - IE it contains hate speech, lovingly detailed descriptions of bodily functions, or other things that make people roll their eyes and say "Oh come on, Internet" - your account will be flushed away.
You must use a minimum of eight characters. Here is a very brief comic about making good passwords. The ten seconds it'll take for you to read it could save your life one day.
Password Confirmation
Type the same password again, so you can be sure you entered it correctly the first time. Although you really, really should have entered it correctly the first time. Passwords are secrets. Never type these words into any other website. Never write them down. Never tell a soul. Promise me.
One last thing
You know that you're human, and I know that you're human, but just in case you're not human and instead some kind of robot sending spam, how many legs does a cat have?

If you're certain you want to create an account, and you do so of your own free will, not under the influence of any intoxicating substances or corrupting frequencies, then press the button below, and do not eat the flesh of any animal until the verification email has arrived safely.